
Welcome and thank you for visiting. What/Where/Why? That I assume is the first thing going through your head as you visit. I will attempt to answer in no real particular order and with no real thought process – this will be a common vein through my blog…I babble! I babble a lot and everything in here will be my own thoughts, opinions and views. I make no apology for that as this was the intent and purpose of ItsTheReview.

I wanted to have a site where I could, initially review any books I have read and made an impact on me either in a positive or a negative way. Then as I got thinking I wondered why I would want to limit myself to giving my opinion or review on just books so I expanded. Now I use expanded which technically isn’t accurate as there is, at the point of writing, nothing to expand on. I anticipate that this entry will forever more remain on the home page though so wanted it to have at least some lifespan to it. I thought I would split the books I read into the format that I read them in, now with audio books it is listen too but I will undoubtedly continue to call it reading them so just go with it. So we have sections for paper and hard back, eBooks and audio books. Which reigns supreme…..well that is easy as no matter what it will always be paper or hard back for me. Nothing beats the feel of an actual book in your hands when reading. Of course eBooks and audio books have their place and the functionality and ease of use and transportation make them excellent choices for certain situations. Physical books are where I return though – just to clear that up now! I wonder if my opinion will change with time…who knows?

Well this is an attempt at an explanation and a little insight into what this site is about. Each page has its own definition with each review being in a sub-page. Unfortunately with the way this theme or wordpress in general sets things out you can reach each page from the header section but to access each review (or sub-page) you need to click the link on the right hand sidebar.

With luck I will develop this site over time so this first post will stay but may get updated as and when sections become irrelevant. I hope you like visiting this haven of the inane and often worrying, if so please return, leave comments – all are welcome, the good, the bad just preferably not the ugly 😉

Catch you in the next review









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